Seneca again
The best picture of the few I took. That's my climbing partner Al. He follows me up anything I hang a rope on. That's all I ask in a partner.We both fuss and complain a lot but we get to the anchor and enjoy it. I bought a cheapo camera for this trip because I tend to destroy them while climbing. The walkie talkies survived this time.
My old truck didn't enjoy the miles. I kept one eye on the temerature gauge all the time and went through a gallon of antifreeze. I don't think it has any more long trips left in it. Time to trade it in.
When I got to Seneca, Al had been waiting on me for 2 hours. He already had us a choice camping spot by the river. We climbed Skyline Traverse the next day. It was hot as crap by the time we got to Broadway ledge. We were both worn out already. My plan was to do Christians next, up to the base of Humphrey's Head and across to Windy Corner to the top. It would have been 3 more pitches and I couldn't find the start of Christians so we bailed off the bolts at the end of Broadway. It's an intimidating rappel with only a 60 meter rope and a hella long way to the ground. The first rap lands you on a little ledge just big enough for 2. You hook in to another set of bolts and unhook from the rope so your partner can come down. You're both standing there on a tiny ledge on a sheer verticle rock face and you pull the rope. Of course it gets all tangled up and you have to feed it through the new anchor and rap again. The second rap lands you on a bigger ledge but you are still 25 feet off the ground.The ropes kept binding in my old rap device and gave me fits, to make it worse the gear sling had a loose bit of webbing that wanted to snag in there as well. I tucked it under something and decided to buy a new device at the Gendarme . The nice guys there fixed me up with a shiny new one that works perfectly. Now all I need is a shiny new truck that works perfectly.
More later.
When I got to Seneca, Al had been waiting on me for 2 hours. He already had us a choice camping spot by the river. We climbed Skyline Traverse the next day. It was hot as crap by the time we got to Broadway ledge. We were both worn out already. My plan was to do Christians next, up to the base of Humphrey's Head and across to Windy Corner to the top. It would have been 3 more pitches and I couldn't find the start of Christians so we bailed off the bolts at the end of Broadway. It's an intimidating rappel with only a 60 meter rope and a hella long way to the ground. The first rap lands you on a little ledge just big enough for 2. You hook in to another set of bolts and unhook from the rope so your partner can come down. You're both standing there on a tiny ledge on a sheer verticle rock face and you pull the rope. Of course it gets all tangled up and you have to feed it through the new anchor and rap again. The second rap lands you on a bigger ledge but you are still 25 feet off the ground.The ropes kept binding in my old rap device and gave me fits, to make it worse the gear sling had a loose bit of webbing that wanted to snag in there as well. I tucked it under something and decided to buy a new device at the Gendarme . The nice guys there fixed me up with a shiny new one that works perfectly. Now all I need is a shiny new truck that works perfectly.
More later.