Whynot's trip reports

Location: ohio

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

WOOO HOOO! I sent Cheaper than a Movie at Chica Bonita. Finally. Yup, it was exciting, scary, and long as Sunday church. That final push to the anchors was unerving with crappy gear below me but it went. Incredible route. Now comes the search for some new route to get inspired about. I guess I should go send Grilled Steak before some route scammer jumps it. hehe, good luck finding it. I also put up a new line last weekend that Ginger,Tonya,Dwayne and I found awhile back. We puzzled over how to get on the thing but never attempted it. I stuck a big cam in it and found a good sidepull, kicked my foot up neck high and cranked up on it hard, made the throw to the jug above and then it was sketch to get past the bulge without falling off and cratering into the ground. I got a rest on top the bulge and the rest of the route was just as sweet as the beginning. it's a shame it isn't longer because the moves are sweet.
Mike and I were rewarded with a fantastic view of the lower Gorge from the summit. All in all it was a great weekend of climbing.

Friday, April 13, 2007

On top

Where's Waldo?

Sunday, April 01, 2007


I'm starting to look more and more like a leprichan, or my father. I can't decide wich. The Lower Gorge just before the leaves in the spring. The creek was the oddest color green.