Good Answers
Myself: Courtney, your friend is an airhead.
Courtney: Yes ,but she's my airheaded friend
Courtney to Angela: We could play Extreme Barbie.
Myself: What's that?
Courtney: You throw Barbie on the floor and run her over with the vacume.
Angela: Or you rip her legs off and throw her out the window.
This went on and on describing ways to torture small dolls.
I even thought of a few ways.
Courtney: Yes ,but she's my airheaded friend
Courtney to Angela: We could play Extreme Barbie.
Myself: What's that?
Courtney: You throw Barbie on the floor and run her over with the vacume.
Angela: Or you rip her legs off and throw her out the window.
This went on and on describing ways to torture small dolls.
I even thought of a few ways.