Whynot's trip reports

Location: ohio

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Good Answers

Myself: Courtney, your friend is an airhead.
Courtney: Yes ,but she's my airheaded friend

Courtney to Angela: We could play Extreme Barbie.
Myself: What's that?
Courtney: You throw Barbie on the floor and run her over with the vacume.
Angela: Or you rip her legs off and throw her out the window.
This went on and on describing ways to torture small dolls.
I even thought of a few ways.

Friday, June 15, 2007

This and That

There's 3 girls in the living room. It's getting pretty loud in there. I might have to send in the Marines before it's over. I was thinking about a Big Boy for lunch but decided on a fish sandwich at the last minute. The sweet tea was great but the tartar sauce tasted of horseradish. Tartar isn't made with horseradish is it?
Lately I have been tempted to invest in more power tools. Do I buy or just rent them as I need them? I would have to use one 20 times to justify the expense.
My poor camera. Pray for it. The prognosis isn't good. It just lays there in a terminal state in a bowl in the china cabinet. Another victim of the R rating of Cavers route. We went to Fridays for family night I left Joy my card to pay the bill while I went outside for an after dinner smoke.I took my mug of coffee with me. Her and Courtney came out before I was done and I nearly walked off with thier coffee mug. It was good coffee. I forgot several things last night. Maybe I'm getting senile? I hope even when I'm 90 that I remember my girls. I hope they are healthy and happy the rest of thier days.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Old Friends,New Friends

3 days of climbing! I enjoyed it. Friday I filmed Kenton working When Doves Cry and got 5 minutes of real good video. That thing is seriously hard and upside down. Saturday I took a new friend, Jo to Tower Rock and we did Cavers. I lead the first pitch up and pulled the camera out of my pocket to get pics of her coming up.The lens was jammed badly and the batteries were toast. Never go chimneying with a camra in your front pocket. It's still messed up but I may operate on it tonight. I'll let you know if the patient survives the surgery. We topped out and chilled before we did Curving Crack. I went to D's wedding after climbing and had a nice time. There was a birthday party back at the Gorge at a cabin. All the locals went and had a wild time of it from the stories I heard the next day. It tended to be the favorite topic all day. Sunday I hooked up with a new crop of Purdue U climbers. I have always been impressed with them and the days on the rock with them are good memories. Little Deserae is an unforgetable character that imeadiatly impressed me. Elliot is a tall one with a huge head of dreadlocks. We all climbed White Out. They both had to leave at noon but the third fellow stayed and followed me up a two pitch 5.5
the first pitch wasn't too bad but had sand on every face hold. The crack is perfect hands. It puts you on a ledge system where you scramble up and left through some rhodos to a beautiful right leaning hand crack that goes to the top of the cliff line. I really liked the second pitch and the top out was sweet. We sat on the edge of the cliff on a point and soaked up the sun while we talked to another pair of climbers topping out on White Out. It was the perfect highlight to my weekend. We went back to Migeul's and I hung around talking and chilling mostly because I was dreading the drive home. Conversation centered around the party and some of the culprits told tales of canoeing on a hillside into a parking lot full of cars. Seems they managed to fit 10 people in a hot tub for two and a few couldn't understand what happened to all the water in the tub the next morning. I ran into a bunch of old friends, made some new friends and came away with newfound admiration and amazement at drunken antics of young people.