Whynot's trip reports

Location: ohio

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The end of the drought

Today.while I was taking a smoke break, I sat and enjoyed watching it rain. It hasn't rained since May and it's been around 90 every day. It was pleasant to see a change. This weekend I am off to the Red for 3 days of bluff scaling. I suppose I should get busy packing camping and climbing gear. I intend to enjoy sitting around the campfire with buddies and swap stories with other climbers from far away. A cultural exchange. I went out and bought a new digital camera last night so I should get some pictures and video this trip. I bought the same brand as before so my memory card and rechargable batteries all fit. It even works the same so it's easy to use. I don't know if I need 7 megapixels. wouldn't that be a poster size picture?

Sunday, September 23, 2007


If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn?

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Jesse inflation

It must have been a comical scene to anyone watching when another Jesse dug the splinter out of my wounded paw in front of Miguel's with a borrowed pocket knife. It was a huge relief and I needed all my digits functional for Awol and Andromeda Strain. maybe a pair of tweezers in a medical kit would be a great idea for my next rock trip. Anyway, Jesse if you read this; THANK YOU A BUNCH! Well done little lady.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Vial of gold

I awoke in my sleeping bag while it was barely dawn. My ankle was itching like mad and it was tough to get down there to scratch. I was forced to get up and crawl out of my cozy nest. It was downright chilly. Rare ,lately to need need a jacket at all it's been miserably hot. I had to stop and scratch my bug bite half a dozen times before scoring my morning coffee in Miguel's. I sat down at a table with some strange younger people and introduced myself and scratched my ankle again. The girl next to me said"Here put some of this on it"and opened a small vial of gold colored salve. It seems the distributor was parked out front, drumming up business. I dabbed a bit on and instant relief! We talked a bit and they called my name for my breakfast order. The girl asks"Your name is Jesse too? I liked her and her friends right away. It seems there were 3 Jesses there this weekend so ordering food was interesting confusion. I have been way to use to being the only one. I met a bunch of new climbers and did some good routes. I'm always amazed at how together the younger people that climb are. Most all are polite, with a great sense of humor and happy to invite me along to follow and clean routes if I need a partner. I meet new friends and get to climb something hard for me. I enjoyed the weekend immensly, made new friends, climbed an amazing crack called Andromeda Strain, roped up with Dwayne again for a day and caught the majic golden salve distributor and scored a vial of gold for myself.